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Cute Editor Examples

Getting Started
Default Configuration This example shows you all the predefined buttons.

Basic Examples
Relative/Absolute URLs With Cute Editor, you have the choice of using either a relative or absolute URL.
Line break With Cute Editor, you can defines what happens when the "enter" key is pressed in the editor in the BreakElement property.
Auto Adjusting Height This example shows how to use Editor.ResizeMode to make the Editor change it's height based on the content. The Editor will now grow and shrink in height to match the content inside.
Multiple Editors Need to handle mutliple rich-text fields on one page? It's easy with CuteEditor! Check out the sample below to see how 2 instances placed on a single page.
Read only This example show you you can set ReadOnly property to true if you would like to display read-only content in the Cute Editor in some situations.
Localization This example shows you CuteEditor for ASP has built in support for multiple languages.
Edit static HTML This example demonstrates you can use Cute Editor to edit static html page.
Setting the max length This example demonstrates you can use MaxHTMLLength to limit the length of the user input.

Input and Output
Handle pasted text With Cute Editor, you can specify if formatting is stripped when text is pasted into the editor.
Output XHTML Cute Editor supports output well-formed XHTML
Load templates Cute Editor allows the site designer to easily create and establish templates to give the site a uniform look.

Interface Customization
Theme Support Cute Editor provides several built in themes that are ready to use. You can choose from several predefined themes or create your own.
Full Screen Mode Full screen mode button allows you to stretch the Cute Editor control to the width and height of your browser window.
Minimal Configuration This example shows you the Minimal Configuration of editor.

Advanced Topics
Customized Toolbar Developers can personalize the toolbar by playing with Template property (see the example code on side)
Add custom buttons This example shows you how easy it can be to add your own functions to the CuteEditor with the help of CuteEditor extended functionalities.
Add custom dialogs This example shows you how easy it can be to add your own dialogs to the CuteEditor with the help of CuteEditor extended functionalities.
JavaScript API This example shows you how to use CuteEditor JavaScript API to customize the application.
Use as image selector This example demonstrates how to use CuteEditor as an image selector.
Use as file manager This example demonstrates how to use CuteEditor as a file manager.
Ajax Rich Text Editor This example shows you how to use Cute Editor in Ajax.