2. Adding Editor into PHP page.
- <?php require_once "cuteeditor_files/include_CuteEditor.php" ?>
- <html>
- <body>
- <form id="form1" method="POST">
- <?php
- $editor=new CuteEditor();
- $editor->Text="Type here";
- $editor->ID="Editor1";
- $editor->Draw();
- ?>
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
Once you've created a CuteEditor class object, you call functions against that object.
Note 1: You can retrieve the CuteEditor contents using the $_POST array. The name of the variable in the $_POST array will be CuteEditor ID.
For example if your Cute Editor class ID is "Editor1", the variable would be $_POST["Editor1"].
Note 2: If you want to deploy the CuteEditor Client file to a different location, you will have to make sure that you set your editor FilesPath property correctly. The control expects to find the all the files and images in the files directory specified by the control FilesPath property.