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The leader of Online HTML Editors

Cute Editor for PHP is by far the fastest, easiest, most powerful browser-based WYSIWYG HTML Editor for PHP applications. It also available for .NET and ASP.

It enables PHP Web developers to replace the Textarea in your existing content management system with a powerful, but easy to use WYSIWYG HTML editing component.

It empowers business users to make content updates easily and safely themselves while maintaining control over site design and content, all at an affordable price.

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Top features and Benefits

What makes Cute Editor the leading online HTML Editor on the market? Aside from its powerful features and ease to use, here are some of the top reasons that make the Cute Editor your best choice for creating and publishing web content:
  • A cross-browser, cross-platform WYSIWYG online HTML editor.

    Compatible with the most important browsers available in the market: IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+, Netscape 7+, Chrome and Safari (1.3+). This includes Macintosh and Linux.

  • Clean, lightweight and extremely fast loading

    Numerous optimization methods has been applied. It's clean, compact, extremely fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient.

  • Compliant with the web standards, no deprecated tags such as <FONT> anymore

    Does your online html editor still use deprecated tags such as <FONT>? Cute Editor will help you build sites that adhere to the latest HTML standards, generates clean HTML/XHTML code with no deprecated tags.

  • Insert clean HTML from Microsoft Word.

    When text is pasted from Microsoft Word allot of unnecessary word specific markup is carried across. This can result in web pages that take an unnecessarily long time to download. The Paste from Word button solves this by removing word markup before pasting the text into your page.

  • Easy Implementation for Developers

    The perfect addition to your content management system! Only a couple lines of code , you don't need to be an expert. Allows you to add an online HTML editing functionality that works with standard HTML form.

  • Easy to use API to hide buttons and tabs

    Cute Editor allows developers to set the image directory, set the controls width, disable image uploading and deleting, restrict access to the source/preview tabs, hide buttons and lists that you don't want your clients to see or access.

  • Advanced table manager

    Create and modify tables and table cells. Set their border color, alignment, cellspacing and more! Once you've created a table, simply right click inside of it and use the handy popup menu to change its attributes.  <caption>,<summary>,<thead>,<tfoot>,<th> tags are supported.

  • Content management with templates

    The basic idea behind a Content Management System (CMS) is to separate the management of content from design. Cute Editor allows the site designer to easily create and establish templates to give the site a uniform look. Templates may be modified when desired.

  • Advanced file upload function.

    We integrate a hi-performance PHP upload component - PHP uploader into Cute Editor. PHP Uploader allows you to select and upload multiple files at once. It also supports client side validation of the file size/type before uploading.

Compatible with IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+, Netscape 7+, Chrome, Opera 9.x and Safari (1.3+). This includes Macintosh and Linux.

Cute Editor has more than 10,000 customers, and has been sold in over 60 countries.

26 languages are supported, and more are being added.

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